Saturday 29 December 2012

Every Upcoming New Year

Christmas Day has come, gone and New Year’s Eve/Day is soon upon us.  I really hope everyone had a truly wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends.  We did, the suspense, surprise and family time was beautiful.  For many though it is a difficult time, filled with loss and/or loneliness ~ it’s important to reach out to people around you to include them in your lives~ it doesn’t take much, does not cost much ~ just your time.  You never know sometimes it can turn a life around.  Think of someone and just reach out in some way.

    As for New Year’s…do any of us make resolutions and actually keep them?  Lose weight, quit smoking, eat better, recycle more, learn to spell, volunteer more, listen more (the list is endless) …  No one ever holds us accountable to our resolutions (otherwise we would be a much more cleaner, healthier, saner and peaceful world-what did I leave out?).  I would like to hear what everyone (children included) are endeavoring to change in their lives this year.    I, admittedly, used to be a more (can you believe it?) vocally opinionated person with a quick tongue and grudge activator.  Over the years I have greatly mellowed (thanks much to living with my significant other of 19 years) and have become much more tolerant.  Tolerance doesn’t mean that we have to accept, just that we acknowledge that others have a different view point.  The world could be just a little more tolerant of race, religion, culture, and politics.   Education, in as many of those aspects is needed worldwide, then perhaps we would have communication in the true sense of the word (because there are always many sides to an issue, some unseen or personal).  It’s not the sound bites on the news that will tell us the issues at hand, read as many stories on an issue to learn all sides before commenting (or admit you are not that familiar with the subject)… it could save an argument/keep a friend and be a really good conversation instead.  I’ll put myself on the hook this year and state two resolutions:  one-I need to lose weight to become healthier and two-learn more about other cultures (pros and cons).  There, I’ve said it and I plan to be accountable.  Best wishes to everyone for every upcoming year filled with understanding, happiness, family and friends.