Sunday 11 November 2012


The United States 57th presidential election of 2012 took place on November 6, 2012.  This is the 44th U.S. President.  Many of us do not follow politics much less the politics of another country; hell many of us don't even watch the news (the real news, not just sound clips).  It’s important to know WHO we’ve voted into office in our own country and it’s important to know the politics of neighboring countries.  Borders, lines drawn in the dirt, are more stressed than ever in history.  If you pay attention, you are able to make up your own opinion.  We have more information at our fingertips – much of it propaganda, misinformation and yes... the truth.  Find out what is behind the issues voted on by your politicians (truth vs. propaganda and you’ll have to dig deep) and monitor how they represent YOU and your country.  VOTE.  It’s a privilege – don’t ever forget that.  Many do not exercise that privilege, but are the first to complain.  If you know anyone that doesn’t vote … and THEN complains… let them know they should have voted.  The U.S. elections are now over, the Canadian ones will again be at our doorstep (consider ourselves lucky that we actually have elections) – monitor who represents YOUR vote… it’s important.  It’s your life and it’s their job to represent you. 

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